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Who We Are

Strategic Plan

Nebraska Breastfeeding Coalition Strategic Plan

The Nebraska Breastfeeding Coalition underwent the Strategic Planning Process with members and the Leadership Team. From a series of discussions and meetings, we have identified the goals to focus on for 2022-2025.

Strategic Goal 1: Improve the lactation workforce through diversification and professional support in Nebraska by 2025

Objective 1: Increase Educational Opportunities in order to increase timely and up-to-date lactation professional development across the State by 2025

1. Offer Continuing Education Units (CEUs) at Quarterly meetings
2. Promote Breastfeeding Educator Basics course to provide CEUs for NE Certified Lactation Counselor (CLCs)
3. Regularly communicate professional development opportunities

Objective 2: Support viable and sustainable International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) training efforts that ultimately increase IBCLCs of Color by 2025

1. Establish workgroup to identify and review models for promoting diversification of IBCLC professionals
2. Serve as liaison for training program development and evaluation efforts
3. Recruit mentors and sponsors to support current Nebraska professionals seeking their IBCLC


Strategic Goal 2: Increase NE BFC visibility and reach among Nebraska community partners by 2025

Objective 1: Build General Membership to create a united network of knowledge and practice

1. Diversify the current general membership for an inclusive approach to breastfeeding wellness
2. Maintain directory of general members
3. Develop a means for general membership to connect and learn from each other

Objective 2: Equitably build capacity of local Community Breastfeeding Initiatives (CBIs) through resource sharing and brokering partnership

1. Identify ~10 CBIs supporting rural communities & communities of color. A CBI can be an individual, coalition, business, or organization that supports breastfeeding efforts. 
2. Maintain a contact list of CBIs with updated information
3. Provide a regular means for checking-in with CBI's in order to assess capacity needs and promote cross-pollination of ideas

Strategic Outcome 3: Increase NE BFC network advocacy efforts by 2025 for relevant policies and practices at the local, State, and National levels that promote breastfeeding in Nebraska

Objective 1: Regularly engage local and State partners to discuss and address policies & practices impacting the lactation workforce and/or breastfeeding families

1. Maintain a list of relevant, intersectional, and strategic policy & advocacy experts
2. Engage experts to regularly update leadership team & general membership on policy & advocacy work
3. Partner with local and state level agencies and health systems in order to support policies & practices that promote increasing intention, initiation, duration & exclusivity

Objective 2: Monitor & advocate for National policies and practices promoting breastfeeding intention, initiation, duration & exclusivity

1. Regularly engage with the leading national resource on breastfeeding (USBC)
2. Monitor National policy and advocacy efforts intersecting with breastfeeding support
3. Regularly disseminate information about National-level efforts and their implications at the state and local level

Nebraska Breastfeeding at a Glance

© 2025 Nebraska Breastfeeding Coalition