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Quarterly Meeting Minutes

Quarterly Coalition Meeting Minutes – August 2014

Lincoln Lancaster County Health Department
August 20, 2014

  1. Member Introductions: Diane Roberts, Alegent Creighton Health LWOK; Leah James, CAP Mid NE WIC, MilkWorks; Diane Erdmann, Breastfeeding Support and Supplies of Omaha; Alise Verhage, Blue Valley WIC; Anna Nunnenkamp, Peer Counselor; Cosette Newton, Peer Counselor; Rachel Sazama, CDHD – WIC; Liang Loo, WIC; Julieann Boyle, WIC; Erica Arter, Family Service WIC; Elizabeth Dolezal, Bryan Health; Jackie Moline, DHHS-MIC; Sarah Dodder Furr, LLL, MilkWorks; Brooke Runyan, LLL; Abby Henke, LLL; Natalie Hershberger, LLL; Latrice Martin, Mid City OBGYN; Tina Goodwin, NE-DHHS; Katie Graves, Sarpy Cass County Health Department; Carol Timm, Sarpy Cass County; Ashlie Bergren, ELITE Lactation; Holly Dingman, NE-DHHS; Danielle Herbert, Partnership for Healthy Lincoln; Kelly O’Flaherty, Breastfeeding Counselor; Emily Hulse, DHHS and Teach a Kid to Fish; Jill Dolberg, Lincoln OBGYN; Evelyn Munoz, Omaha WIC; Deanna Stoffel, WIC; Lora Marshbanks, WIC; Amanda Drier, SEDHD Growing Great Kids; Brooke Chaney, SEDHD Growing; Corrine Jarecke, LLCHD; Jane Bitney, LLCHD; Kaye Lidolph, MilkWorks
  2. USBC Update: (See handout) We are on the verge of tipping the scale in our favor for breastfeeding.  A lot of great things happening.  This meeting happens every 2 years in Washington D.C.
    1. They got to meet the “who’s who” of Lactation. This was the 5th conference.
    2. 7 Nebraska Representatives attended (Holly Dingman, Diane Roberts, Ashlie Bergren, Lara Anderson, Danielle Herbert, Ann Seacrest, Kaye Lidolph).
    3. 4 of our presentation topic areas were selected for the conference!
      • Holly presented on our Gretchen Swanson Center Survey results on the number of IBCLCs, CLCs and what our needs are for professional lactation support. We need to keep building that professional lactation support and build it across all the communities. We have over 100 IBCLCs (predominantly in Lincoln and Omaha) and 300 CLCs.
      • Danielle and Ann presented the Lincoln Community Breastfeeding Initiative to thirty people. They were able to share what has happened in Lincoln the past two years as a result of the project.
      • Kaye presented on the changes with the affordable care act and how that’s affecting providers in the community. She shared about the changes, the highs and lows. The director of the CDC was in the front row of the talk so that was very encouraging! They talked a little about becoming credentialed
      • A big take home was how powerful the work that the hospitals in Lincoln is doing. Having Bryan LGH and St. E’s being so on board has paved the way for great breastfeeding in Lincoln.
    4. Conference topic was Transforming Barriers into Bridges:
      • One bridge was around the topic of diversity in breastfeeding. The African American male presenter became an IBCLC OBGYN nurse because he saw the need for it for his patients.
      • They had great speakers about connecting with the Native American and Hispanic populations as well.
      • Sherry Payne is coming to Nebraska in October. She’s working on increasing mom/baby support in the urban core of Kansas City.
      • Kaye loved the talk that the Acting Surgeon General gave about helping breastfeeding moms. He identified three key areas to really improve the health of our country: move more; cook more; and breastfeed more.  
      • LLL has a new book out, “Sweet Sleep,” to discuss naptime and nighttime strategies for nursing.
      • Great new free app called “Coffective.”
      • W.K. Kellogg foundation has taken on “First Food” as an important campaign that eliminates all health disparities. Your mommas chest and milk is just as good as the next mommas. The past two years they’ve really worked on framing and messaging.
      • Ashlie really wants to start a Nebraska Chapter of IBCLCs. There’s only 100 of them in the state so to be able to meet and discuss challenges in the state. She’ll be focusing on a mentorship program for IBCLCs to help train them.
      • In the who’s who of Breastfeeding States, Nebraska is up there!  States like Massachusetts and Colorado were turning to us and our Really? Really. Campaign is going viral.
      • You don’t know what you can get if you don’t ask. An architect demanded access to her baby for 2 years and brought baby to all her interviews and shared her acceptance letter at the conference! There’s hope that we can mesh the working world and mom world.
      • Diane got to go to Senator Fisher’s office. There was a woman in the office who had just had a baby and was pumping in the office, so that was great.
  3. Really? Really Campaign: If you haven’t been to you need to go and see the AMAZING work done by Emspace, LiveWell Omaha Kids and the Nebraska Breastfeeding Coalition!
    1. Be sure to check out the Breastfeeding Benefits poster, Skin-to-Skin poster and the Sacred Hour poster
    2. Really? Really came to be from a 3 year grant from CHI on how to improve breastfeeding. They followed the 6 CDC interventions.
    3. The Emspace team chose to name this initiative because they’d say, “Did you know breastfeeding….” and they’d go, “Really?”  and would respond “Really! It’s right here in the research…”
    4. The campaign launched June 12th, 2014.  Since then, we’ve had over 200 downloads of the material, visitors from 36 states, D.C., and 8 countries. The information is free and the breastfeeding community is so sharing!
    5. If you can think of ways to get it out in your community, please let us know!  We want to share this everywhere!
  4. La Leche League of NE Update:
    1. ​​​​​​​Had the Loco Run and it was a great event with over 100 people there on race day. They felt that they were taken a lot more seriously this year and a lot more coverage and publicity.
    2. Sweet Sleep has a tear sheet that is on LLL’s website.
    3. Held 80 meetings across the state with 411 moms that attended. They had 500+ helping contacts.
    4. If you want any contact information, go to their website to request that!
  5. Member Sharing:
    1. ​​​​​​​Leah James – In Kearney they did breastfeeding billboards in Kearney, Hastings and Lexington. They screened the MilkyWay in Kearney. They rented a theater and had 47 mom, 25 babies and 4 dads. They gave away swag bags and door prizes. They also made breastfeeding shirts.
    2. Danielle Herbert – They screened Milky Way at NET in Lincoln and had a good discussion afterwards. We now have the DVD of the MilkyWay to check out. We’re working on a formal process for checking out the DVDs or digital copies. If you’re interested now, just let Kelli know.
    3. Lara Anderson and Ashlie Bergren have been in private practice for 2 years and in a few weeks they’re opening up a Community Breastfeeding Support Center in Omaha. It should be up and running in the next 4-6 weeks. Near the Chalco area, 148th & Cornhusker.
    4. DHHS has a new brochure on breastfeeding and can download it here.
    5. 2014 Breastfeeding Report Card has been released comparing states to national. Nebraska is improving!  At 6 months we’re below the national rate and at 12 months we’re only at 1 of 4 moms. However at 3 months we’re above the national average. MPInC Scores (Maternity Practices Infant Cares) is at 68 and we started at the 50’s, so we are improving.
    6. We are continuing to expand the community breastfeeding initiatives, home visitor training, and IBCLC training.
    7. Live Well Omaha Kids is hosting its second biennial conference, October 28th at the Harper Center on Creighton’s Campus. They’re bringing in Liz Brooks and Sherry Payne.  CERPs will be available. They will be in Lincoln at Fire Spring on October 29th (two additional topics from Liz and the same topics from Sherry).
      • That evening we hope to have Dr. Tom Tonniges receive the first Nebraska Breastfeeding Coalition’s Trailblazer Award.
    8. 20 training hours to key maternity staff is coming down the pipeline from a training LWOK hosted in Omaha in June.
    9. View some amazing blogs at Live Well Omaha Kids.
    10. Linda Smith mentioned that the Journal of Human Lactation is free this month, with a lot of really good articles.
    11. St. Elizabeth is offering a breastfeeding class on October 23rd and 24th through Lamaze International.
  6. Our next meeting is November 12, 2014 at the Douglas County Health Department in Omaha.

Nebraska Breastfeeding at a Glance

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