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Quarterly Meeting Minutes

May 2017 Meeting Minutes

Quarterly Coalition Meeting
Lincoln Medical Building


Watch the recorded meeting here.

  1. Member Introductions: Kelli Hansen, Holly Dingman, Children’s Hospital; Brooke Runyan; Sarah Dunbar; Kayla Abel; Crissy Murphy; Katie Graves; Jill Dolberg; Arli Boustead; Deanna Stoffel; Lora Marshbanks; Tina Goodwin; Tami Frank; Corrine Jarecke; Sara Brown; Tracy Moore; Ashlee Miller; Jackie Moline; Jennifer Mullen; Leah James; Lindsay Cepel; Stacie Burnett; Lindsay Cepel; Shannon Sands; Tiffany Keller
  2. Leadership Team Update:
    1. Financial – Kelli Hansen
      1. Just starting Year 5 of the DHHS grant.  $30,000 to work on a variety of projects with a large focus on our CBI community work.  We also have received funding from CHI Health and Children’s Center for the Child and Community which is allowing us to expand on existing work and add a few new projects as well.
    2. Project and Communication Updates - Kelli Hansen
      1. Communication Efforts:
        1. Stats: We’ve had 1,779 visits to our site since our last meeting (May-Oct).  This is up 122% from the previous quarter.
        2. 2,303 “Likes” on Facebook, up 100 since our last meeting!
        3. 429 Twitter followers, a 10% increase from last quarter.
      2. Membership – We started our new membership drive at the Olson Center in August.  As of right now, we’ve had 78 new and renewing members.  If you haven’t done so yet, please do!
      3. We’ve also created a new Partnership packet and want to thank our current funding partners: CHI Health, Children’s Center for the Child and Community, and the Department of Health and Human Services.  We also want to thank our fiscal agent, MilkWorks.
      4. BFF Awards since our last meeting:
        1. Fremont Health Medical Center
        2. Nominate a BFF employer at
      5. We have two openings on our Leadership Team! If you’re interested, apply here by 12/7:
      6. Projects: The majority of our upcoming projects are tied to different strategic plan goal priorities, so we will discuss those in momentarily!
  3. Strategic Plan Updates:
    1. Goal #1 – Kelli Hansen
      1. Goal 1’s focus this quarter has been on implementing a successful membership drive.  We’ve also had applications for our Community Breastfeeding Initiative Mini Grants and Certified Lactation Counselor course.  We continue to pursue partnership conversations and if you know of a business that we should reach out to, we would love to know!
    2. Goal #2 – Arli Boustead
      1. Had a lot of meetings and great progress!  Dr. Anderson, Christian Minter, Lea Pounds, Peggy Pounds, Melanie Bussey, Tiffany Keller, Ashlee Miller, Corrine Jarecke, Tina Goodwin have all been participating.
      2. Their goal is to educate the workforce.  We’ve trained a lot of CLCs in the past but now we’ll really work with them, raise up their advocacy and help them with new tools.  We’ve partnered with LEARN and Jackie Moline.  Our new CLCs will get quarterly surveys and help them connect to a network.
      3. Have surveyed providers and taken those results.  Wanted to focus efforts on CLC and maximize this funding and the impact they had.
      4. We received over 125 applications for our Certified Lactation Counselor course in February!  The selection team reviewed these last week and are excited to award 75 women full scholarships to the course.  They will be notified before December 1st.
      5. Also focused on developing the Really? Really. Toolkit and create the toolkit and go into clinics.
    3. Goal #3 – Shannon Sands
      1. Employer Recognition is geared toward the BFF Award.  They’ve created a communication plan for the BFF and setting a plan to get words out there.  Target moms, employers, general community.  The plan targets all of these groups through social media and other outreaches.
      2. We are so excited to welcome Brenda Bandy from Kansas Breastfeeding Coalition to Nebraska tomorrow!  She, myself, and Nicole Osborne from WorkWell are going to implement KS’s Business Case for Breastfeeding.  We’re meeting with 6 businesses this week and 3 others next week.  If you know of a business in Nebraska we should meet with and have an HR contact, please let us know!  Or, if you’re someone who would like to be the resource in their community, let us know that as well.  Ask Brenda if some of those people would be funding partners?   What’s the follow up? Potentially informal luncheon to bring them together.  Would those companies be interested?  What about moms wanting to do something?
    4. Goal #4 – Amy Potratz  
      1. Goal 4 would love to highlight Super Moms - a mom that has been successful returning back to work and continuing to BF/pump. Maybe she could share some tips or insights that helped her succeed that might empower other women.  If you know of one (or are one), please reach out!
    5. Goal #5 – Tami Frank
      1. CBI across the state that are doing great work.  They’re collaborating on a local level the way we do at these meetings.  We really want to provide resources and more TA to these locations.  We’re going to start having a (quarterly) call with the communities to network.  Find out what they’re doing and get ideas from one another.  We’ll also survey these communities to see what they’re doing, what are their goals, and ask them what resources would be most beneficial to them.  The survey will go out in December and calls in January.
      2. We were excited to receive 10 applications for this round of CBI funding.  The selection team has met and we are hoping to award communities in the next week or two.
  4. Group and Community Updates:
    1. Kearney – Going to  do a Tongue Tie Lunch with Kim Reidy, a Pediatric Dentist and Dental Hygenist.  UNK is redoing their student union and helping them to get nursing areas for students and staff.
    2. Fremont – working on breastfeeding events.  They did a sit in in June and nursing nooks at the Dodge County Fair and Fremont Days.  Hy-Vee has been generous to donate their bus.  Meeting to do something big for the visit with Santa.This winter their going to do another sit-in at the local coffeehouse.  Just keep getting exposure to BF in the community.  Prenatal and postpartum connections in Fremont.  They connect prenatal and follows up in postpartum.  Worked with a local pharmacy to give gift bags for moms during their office visit.  They have 3 CLC’s at Fremont Health and 1 in the OB office.  Another nurse hoping to take the CLC in February and one taking the IBCLC in April.  BF Support group increases their number of mothers.  Trying to incentivize moms to come.  Hy-Vee gives goodies to moms and 10% off coupons.  Working to get a BF Friendly Survey to chamber businesses soon.
    3. North Omaha – Men’s Breakfast on Breastfeeding in October.  Dr. Sanzel did a presentation and 20 people came.  It was very well received!  Working on an IRB proposal to do focus groups with women in North Omaha to discuss their infant feeding process.  3 of their CBE’s are finishing community health worker training course.  They meet monthly.
    4. Lincoln – Met with WIC clinics and the health department and see their numbers are much lower than county numbers.  Talked about how they could improve those numbers and what barriers those moms are facing.  Having a meeting in December.  Hoping to start Journal Club back out in January.  Surveying physician offices is reviewing the survey, updating it, and doing it again to see where they are.
    5. Santee Sioux- They are still holding are monthly BF coalition meetings at Santee and are working with the college to create a BF friendly space for BF students.
    6. Douglas County Coalition – Many community groups started a collective impact in Douglas County.  They’ve had two meetings so far.  The first meeting was robust and identifying strengths and opportunities in Douglas County.  The second meeting was reviewing the data and seeing what to seek out further.  Take what we discussed and prioritized.  Fourth Tuesday at 4:00pm at the Public Library
    7. Douglas County Department and One World are working together to create a South Omaha Coalition.  They received funding from Children’s Hospital Grant.  It’s still fairly early stages but they are working on it. 
    8. Sarpy/Cass – gained Sarah Schram as the new Health Director.  They’re establishing partnerships and a new branding.  They’re creating a new website and the MCH section link to tools, laws, BFF Award, etc.  Just did a Cass County worksite lactation education in October.  Hoping to continue to reach Sarpy businesses as well.  Michelle and Katie continue to offer CLC support and in office support.  Katie may continue to pursue her IBCLC as well.
    9. La Leche League- had a region get together and big topic right now is inclusion.  The focus is on their language and be inclusive and meet the needs of everyone who wants to human feed human babies.  Want to make sure the doors appear open to everyone seeking assistance.  Natalie, LLL in Lincoln, has been working with WIC to get a series meeting in one of their locations and work through them to make sure it’s a good time and place for WIC moms.  Driving traffic to their meetings is always a challenge, they’ve tried different times and places, but the pop up meetings have been working well.
  5. Member Sharing
    1. Holly Dingman and Amy Potratz attended the USBC Conference in August.  They called this one a convening.  Very focused on equity and inclusion.  The room was very much more diverse than 4 years ago.  The new chair of USBC is African American and many more women of color and men in attendance.  It was very reflective.  It was great!  Really wants a focus on the leadership to continue to think about inclusion.  Our CBE and CBI efforts really work towards these goals but making sure we have leaders in all communities.  Got word that mPINC won’t be happening in 2017.  Cammie Goldhammer leads a great national effort to recognize Native Leaders.  Doing an IBCLC course for indigenous people in Alaska.
    2. Holly Dingman also attended the Kansas Breastfeeding Coalition’s conference.  They hold a statewide conference for 5 years for their local community coalitions.  Had a physician panel that use Really? Really. Materials.  They do great work around their High-5 for Mom and Baby – for hospitals doing maternity care practices.  They’ve taken the 10 steps down to 5.  United Methodist Health Foundation has funded this.  Now that they’ve gotten them this far, a number are moving towards Baby Friendly.  They did a safe sleep and breastfeeding talk.  With Dr. McKenna and Sweet Sleep books, there’s a bridging that needs to happen and they’ve done it very well.  Moving from campaign to conversation and individualize as needed.  How can we support moms for those nighttime feedings.  The number three protection against SIDS is breastfeeding!
    3. Children’s is working with the Prosper Lincoln Community.  Focus on early childhood and kindergarten readiness.  They’re doing early childhood comprehensive health – whole child.  Many community partners and leaders, through the MAP process (mobilizing for action and partnership), are helping to accelerate education readiness and adding in a component for health.  Many voices were in the room to share the vision.  Wanting children to be healthy, safe, and ready to learn.
    4. Two CBE Courses – one in Lincoln and one in Omaha with One World.  Hoping to do those in early 2018.  In Lincoln they’re working on a sustainability model.  They’ll be connected to an organization to keep those going.
    5. MilkWorks was awarded a grant to do some screening for postpartum depression and data collection.  Learn more about how the community is or is not screening moms and referring them.  Fully launching this in January.  Continue to focus Rural Outreach.  York is going to partner with Four Corners to do pump and baby weigh station.  Beatrice is working with them as well.  Medicaid has decided that breastfeeding is a covered service.  They’re still working to get credentialed.  It’s going slow and very pain staking, but it’s progress.

      Next meeting is February 6th in Omaha.

Nebraska Breastfeeding at a Glance

© 2025 Nebraska Breastfeeding Coalition