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Quarterly Meeting Minutes

November 2016 Meeting Minutes

Quarterly Coalition Meeting
CHI Health Bergan Mercy Hospital

View Webinar recording here.

  1. Member Introductions: Rachel Sazama, CDHD; Peggy Brown, TNMC; Sara Brown, UNMC; Kayla Brandt, DHHS; Kelly O’Flaherty, Momeez; Kaye Lidolph, MilkWorks; Dani Elwood, MilkWorks; Danae Dinkel, UNO; Kailey Snyder, UNO; Michelle Lehy, Sarpy/Cass County Health Department; Narissa Scales, DHHS WIC; Deanna Stoffel, Charles Drew WIC; Lora Marshbanks, DHHS; Meredith Willits, MilkWorks; Stacey Roach, MilkWorks; Shannon Sands; Kaye Anderson; Diane Erdmann, Breastfeeding Support & Supplies; Christian Minter, UNMC; Brooke Runyan, LLL; Dionna Schmidt, Blue Valley; Arli Boustead, CHI Health; Ashlee Miller, CHI St. Mary’s; Brandi Morrow, CNCAP; Brooke Chaney, SEDHD; Dorothea Clute; Jackie Moline, DHHS; Jennifer Hervert; Jill Dolberg; JoAnn Kucera; Judy Schultz, Kearney WIC; Leah James, Kearney WIC, St. Elizabeth; Stacie Burnett, WIC; Corrine Jarecke, LLCHD; Tami Frank, PHL
  2. MAPS for Moms: Dr. Dinkel and Kailey Snyder
    1. Improve moms physical and mental well being. The purpose was to determine the existing health services there are for mental and physical health for pregnant and postpartum women. Also, to assess the women’s perceptions of these services and their desire for them
    2. 527 women took the survey. 94.2% Caucasian, 54.6% employed full-time, 60.1%have less than $75,000 incomes. Average births were 1.8.

    3. Key findings: greatest causes of stress were exhaustion (54%), financial distress (38%), lack of support, phsycial activity access, and healthy food access.

    4. 15.2% of women do not feel like they are getting enough love, empathy, and trust in their life. They go to friends and family (84%) for advice, (31%) media source, (14%) from a health professional (15%). They’d prefer from friends and family (55%), satisfied already, health professional, and less from media source.

    5. 50% haven’t engaged in any community program, 26% have participated in nonprofit/government based programs, and 11% on breastfeeding programs.

    6. Moms want more info on child behavior and development, breastfeeding and nutrition, stress/time management, healthy behaviors, financial management.

    7. Results will be posted here:

  3. Leadership Team Update

    1. Financial – Stacey Roach

      1. Since early August, we had a new grant award for $30,000. Kayla Brandt is the new Nutrition Coordinator and we’re working with her at the state to manage the grant.

      2. Three major updates – hosted the Linda Smith training so balance increased and then decreased.

      3. We sent representatives to USBC meeting in August. We sponsored two people to attend.

      4. We received funding from CHI to pay the speakers from the Biennial Conference.

    2. Project and Communication Updates – Kelli Hansen

      1. Communication efforts:

        1. Stats: We’ve had 2,763 visits to our website since the last meeting (Aug-Oct). This is up 78% from the previous quarter.

        2. 2,071 “Likes” on Facebook, up 131 since August! Thanks for helping us surpass 2,000 likes!

        3. 355 Twitter followers on 10/30/16, an 12% increase from last quarter.

      2. Membership – 172 Members, up 5 since our last meeting.

        1. New Members since our last meeting:
          Rita Bixby
          Megan Tucker
          Dakota Collier
          Kimberly Lipinski
          Brooke Dean

        2. No organizational Partners since our last meeting. Can you help us increase this? Talk to your organization about joining today!

        3. No BFF Awards since our last meeting. Can you help us increase this? Nominate a BFF employer by going here.

        4. We are looking for two new people to join our leadership team! Applications will be accepted until November 21st. Apply here:

      3. Projects:

        1. The Coalition and CHI Health hosted the Beyond Best Practices conference last Tuesday. Thank you to everyone who came. It was a great event and Arli will tell us more in her update.
          Community Breastfeeding Initiative – We are so excited to announce that we’re going to be offering funding to 8 communities for this grant cycle. Communities will be notified this week.

        2. Training – Linda Smith came to Omaha on August 22-27th. We had 12 people attend and all passed their practice exam. At least 8 of them plan to sit for the IBCLC in the next 18 months. They felt the course was well done and all believed they could use the information learned to improve their practice.

        3. We’ve been working on two projects in relation to the Equal Break Time for Nursing Mother’s Act.

          1. The USBC and NEBFC have created a Guide to the Rights of Breastfeeding Employees in Nebraska, which has been reviewed and approved by the Nebraska Equal Opportunity Commission. I will keep you posted on next steps, as they occur, from USBC.

          2. NE BFC, DHHS, and DOL have met about sending a new version of a letter regarding breastfeeding and the workplace and including our newer law, LB 627 and the federal extension that makes the law required to employers with 15 or more (expanding from 50 or more, originally). We hope to have the new Chief Medical Officer sign off on this and go out in early 2017.

      4. Strategic Plan Update

        1. Review Strategic Plan and two year goals – Kelli Hansen

        2. Task Force Updates:

          1. Goal #1 – Kelli Hansen
            We’ve completed the application process for CBI and had a record number of applicants. We’ll be notifying 8 communities of their award, and this is helping us support and expand our CBIs.
            I’ve been in communication with on organization who may have additional funding to help collaborate with the NE BFC, thus providing more diverse funding and helping to expand the staffing for the coalition.

          2. Goal #2 – Arli Boustead
            Addressing gaps in healthcare workforce.
            Healthcare provider and professional education – working on sending out a communication focusing on breastfeeding skin to skin and the first hour. They’re getting a list from NE DHHS. Focus on healthcare professionals first. (mainly OB, NPs, PAs, CNMs). Sending out the Really? Really. brochures.
            Explore baby friendly/breastfeeding friendly designation
            We are in need of leads for the 1st and 3rd area!

          3. Goal #3 – Shannon Sands Amy Potratz

            1. Focused on employee support and education. Focusing on the mailing that Kelli mentioned above. We’re hoping that will go out in early 2017. It will remind them about the law, provide them tools, and inform them about the BFF Award. Sarpy County is actually working on doing a mailing in Sarpy county as well. The WorkWell Toolkit will be undergoing a final review soon and once it’s been approved we’ll get it out! The BFF Award will be tweaked and reviewed a little, but will be shared with employers in all these communications.

            2. Empowering moms wanted to focus on doing a 939 women have taken our survey. We’ll make a decision when we’re done collecting data and work on analyzing!

      5. Group and Community Updates

        1. Hospital/Maternity Care/NPQIC by Peggy Brown

          1. Nebraska Perinatal Quality Improvement Collaborative. Improving quality care for moms and babies. Looking at breastfeeding practices based on mPINC survey. They’re also talking about breastfeeding in the NICU.

          2. In December they will recollect data on key questions to see if we’ve made any progress in the last year. Based on those findings they’ll see what actions they need to take next.

          3. From last year’s survey our ranking dropped from 47th to 49th in the United States and territories. We have a lot of work to do, even though our score went up. They have 58 birthing hospitals, and 54 are participating.

        2. Diversity Inclusion by Tina Goodwin

          1. Sara Brown (North Omaha Project)- just completed CBE training in North Omaha. 6 women completed the Community Breastfeeding Educator training and 2 were part of the panel for the conference last week. They’re looking on future funding to keep the CBE’s engaged in the community.

          2. Milkworks will continue communication with the Medicaid plans.

          3. NE DHHS is in the process of making sure that our 80 plus “out state” office have adequate accommodations for breastfeeding mothers.

          4. The next Diversity Inclusion meeting will be scheduled in November.

        3. Kearney Update from Leah James

          1. Kearney CBI is working on preparing for the next community meeting on November 30th. Have worked on handing out Really? Really. materials and education for daycare providers.

          2. They are now using donor milk at Good Samaritan. They got rid of the routine blood glucose checks for every infant and are now using the flow sheet from AAP.

        4. Southeast Community Health Department Update from Brooke Chaney

          1. We had seven of our ten coalition members attended the Best Practices in Breastfeeding Conference last week.

          2. We continue to give out Southeast Nebraska Breastfeeding Coalition cooler bags to moms attending health fairs, support groups, or seeking breastfeeding information.  The cooler bags include our coalition resource directory, Really? Really! promotional items, breast milk refrigeration guidelines magnet, and some free samples.

          3. Our coalition meets quarterly and is working on identifying some goals and next steps for the group.

        5. LLL Update from Brooke Runyan

          1. After the last meeting they had the Loco Runs in Omaha and Lincoln. They raised more money than they ever had. The event was great at both locations!

          2. Anytime you want to look for LLL resources – is the best place to go! They closed Friday morning meetings in Lincoln and started a “build your own meeting” tool on their website and they can request times and topics.

          3. FDA is working to give guidelines to formula companies on what they can include on their label and would make them use breastfed babies as a control. The FDA is accepting comments before their next round of review by November 8th. LLL would like them to include messages like “closer to breastmilk than ever” should not be included as well as a note about how introduction of formula can negatively affect mother’s supply.
            You can make comments or learn more here:

        6. Lincoln CBI Update from Tami Frank

          1. Just wrapped up two grants – one was the CBE project for Lincoln and Omaha.

          2. Just finished up year two of the CDC grant. They have one more year available.

          3. They’re seeking additional funding to support both of those programs into 2017.

          4. 11 new CBE’s have been trained in Lincoln, allowing them to reach more cultures and languages.

          5. They’re working with the health department on their WIC programs. Lincoln CBI is working with them to determine why one program is working much more than the other. They want to improve outreach to moms at both clinics.

        7. Really? Really. and CHI Update from Arli Boustead

          1. CLC training in York, NE happened in the beginning of October. 70 women finished the training (despite paying for 75). One physician did attend the training.

          2. Offered an online NICU training through Lactation Ed resources. Have had 83 NICUs enrolled, 30 have completed and the rest will be hearing from Arli.

          3. Really? Really. In the last year, 83% of visitors are new! Using from their computers more than mobile. Only a 45% bounce rate.
            5 new emails a week saying that people are accessing resources.

          4. Webinars – 3 part breastfeeding series and will provide 1 AMA PRA Category 1 credit and are free.

      6. Member Sharing

        1. Dr. Anderson – American Academy of Pediatrics has come out with a few statements. Reporting incidences of babies in the hospitals being dropped and not properly supervised. Want more structure in place to monitor moms during skin to skin.

          1. AAP came out with a new policy statement on safe sleep for babies. They are now recommending that babies sleep in the room with mom and dad for the first 6 months, and possibly the first year.
            DHHS sent her “Your Guide to Breastfeeding” that’s very comprehensive. Giving moms a pump with Medicaid doesn’t ensure success. Stacey Roach said they’re being revised and hasn’t been notified that they’re ready. CHI will look into printing them if they’re ok.

        2. Kelly O’Flaherty – NE City has an Applejack celebration every September. Every year she offers her husband’s shop as a place to breastfeed. 3 moms did take them up on it, but many thanked them for having a space available.
          Event organizers in Omaha and Lincoln have had them bring a tent, chair, and brochure on their organization.

        3. At Bergan NICU the biggest uphill battle is informing them that breast and bottle are not equal. Just wondering what can be done in the OB offices ahead of time. Maybe using the second goal towards reaching the OB and Neonatologists to recommend breastfeeding to the moms. Nebraska Medicine identifies high risk for pre-term labor that gives those moms information.

        4. At Bergan NICU the biggest uphill battle is informing them that breast and bottle are not equal. Just wondering what can be done in the OB offices ahead of time. Maybe using the second goal towards reaching the OB and Neonatologists to recommend breastfeeding to the moms. Nebraska Medicine identifies high risk for pre-term labor that gives those moms information.

Next meeting is February 7th at Lincoln Lancaster County Health Department!

Nebraska Breastfeeding at a Glance

© 2025 Nebraska Breastfeeding Coalition