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Quarterly Meeting Minutes

May 2019

Nebraska Breastfeeding Coalition Quarterly Meeting Minutes

May 7, 2019

Welcome and Introductions:  Holly Dingman, Children’s Medical Center; Arli Boustead, CHI Health; Tiffany Keller, CHI Health CUMC Bergan Mercy; Dr. Kathy Leeper, Milkworks; Caitlin Neidow, WIC; Leah James, CHI St. Elizabeth; Rachel Sazama, CDHD;  Nicole Osborne, Nebraska Safety Council; Tracy Moore, Methodist Fremont; Kailey Snyder, UNO; Kamilla Gazieva, NPQIC; Nikki Mullinax, Elkhorn-Logan Valley; Katie Graves, Sarpy/Cass HD; Michelle Leahy, Sarpy Cass Health Dept;  Amber O’hara, Milkworks; Meghan Gerken, Milkworks; Dawn Ballosingh, One World Community Health Center; Narissa Scales, NEB WIC; Deanne Berkestrand, CHI Kearney Good Samaritan; Emily Hulse

Thank you to Meghan Gerkin for hosting us at York General Hospital today.

Leadership Updates:  2019/2021 Strategic Plan is finalized with focus on infrastructure, workforce development, continuing CBI support, and Advocacy.  Work Groups have formed for each specific area and we are always looking for members who want to lend their voice to the work being done.  Let a leadership team member know what you are interested in!

Membership Scan is coming in May.  We are looking to survey our current members and assess the value and use of being a NE Breastfeeding Coalition member.  Please help us to better your membership experience and fill out the short survey.

Our grant proposal has made it through preliminary selection for a Women Investing in Nebraska (WIN) grant in collaboration with NPQIC.  Look forward to hearing more about this grant opportunity as we follow the process. Final results are expected in late July.

We have renewed our membership with the US Breastfeeding Coalition.  Two members of the leadership team will again represent Nebraska in Bethesda, MD in mid-June for the national convening.  

Financial Updates:  End of quarter balance is $50,490.43 in the bank.  We have received $15K from CHI Health for organizational sponsorship.  Kailey Snyder is serving as a consultant for 10-20 hours per week for research, evaluation, and development of coalition activities.  

CBI Grants are in the works for 2019.  Look for more information to come.

2019 is the year for our next membership drive and 10 year anniversary celebration in August.  This is in conjunction with the Olson Center conference in late August.

Communication Updates:  2,534 “likes” on Facebook, up 30 since Feb 19th.  Top posts have been  “Tips for pumping in your classroom,” the Olson Center conference save the date, Nebraska hitting HP 2020 goals, and Children’s Virtual lactation visits.

Shout out for Kamilla Gazieva, with NPQIC, who serves as our communication specialist.  She is doing a wonderful job creating posts and keeping our social media up to date. As always, we would love content or posts to share.  If you or your community are doing exciting things, we want to hear about them!

Membership Updates:  The coalition currently has 317 members, 37 Breastfeeding Friendly Business, and two funding partners (CHI Health and Children’s Hospital and Medical Center).  We have 3 applications for review for breastfeeding friendly business and the leadership team will discuss.

2019 Membership drive goal is 100 sign ups and to increase organizational sign ups.  Ideas were discussed regarding changing to an automatic (via PayPal) renewal system and to annual renewal.  CBI groups can be our best recruiters to increase interest and involvement across the state. Community stakeholders like to see the actions of the coalition directly in their home towns.  

Community Breastfeeding Initiatives Updates:   Final reports are due for the past year’s grant cycle (May 31).  2019 has $5K budgeted for the next round of mini grants. Application process has been revamped with a new scoring rubric.  June 1, the application will open up.

Save the DATE!!  August 27, 2019, 5-8:30 pm which is the night before the Olson Center Conference, the Coalition will be hosting a dinner and educational opportunity for CBI networking, education, and CBI member sharing.  Topic will be Breaking Barriers for Nebraska Breastfeeding Moms. The plan is a social hour, dinner and panel presentation. Keep your eyes open for travel/training support scholarships.

Midwest Rural Outreach:  Meghan Gerkin and Milkworks York extension have started a program provided home visits to rural mothers, a monthly clinic, and support group and pump station.  Meghan is and L&D RN and IBCLC. She travels up to 30 miles to support mothers near her community.

Fremont Area CBI will host their breastfeeding tents at a Hy-Vee community wellness event and the Dodge County Fair.  They have been working on business education as well.

Lincoln CBI and Milkworks have put together pump education and resources for rural communities.  They are working on getting online and mail order access to pumps for moms who live far away. They are also exploring community outreach clinics to help with this.  Also exploring employer outreach for connecting moms. Dr. Leeper is speaking to Blue Stem (providers this week).

Elkhorn Logan Valley hosted Jackie Moline as a speaker for students and providers.  They report good attendance despite flooding and transportation issues. They are working with area businesses, including the courthouse, to create lactation supportive policies and spaces.  The local mall worked the group to add a Momava Pod for privacy with nursing in the mall.

One World Community Health Center completed a survey of 291 moms regarding family and community supports. Data should be analyzed and ready by the end of the months. They were able to capture the voices of many different cultural/language backgrounds.  

Kearney CBI has questions regarding if there is any research on CBD oil and breastfeeding.  Dr. Kathy Leeper, in attendance, says there is not and no official statements have been made.  Deanne reports that there is a new dentist in town who is doing laser tongue and lip tie release.  

Strategic Plan Small Group discussion:  Members in person and on the phone broke out into two groups and discussed strategic goals of Membership Drive 2019 and coalition infrastructure (Strategic area #3) and Advocacy, maximizing social media/content brainstorm (Strategic area #4).  Great ideas were shared!

Member sharing:  No new legislative updates.  

Next meeting:  August 6, 2019 at CHI Health CUMC Bergan Mercy Campus, 7500 Mercy Road, Omaha, NE  68124. We will meet in the Monin Gallagher Conference room on the lobby level of the Maternity Pavilion.  

Nebraska Breastfeeding at a Glance

© 2025 Nebraska Breastfeeding Coalition