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Quarterly Meeting Minutes

May 2017 Meeting Minutes

Quarterly Coalition Meeting
Central District Health Department

Watch the recorded meeting here.

  1. Member Introductions: Ashlee Miller, CHI St. Mary’s; Kailey Snyder, UNO; Kathy Leeper, MilkWorks; Sara Brown, UNMC; Stacie Burnett, Kearney; Rachel Sazama, CDHD; Judy Schultz, WIC; Alyssa Routland, Santee Sioux Health; Jodi Henry, Santee Sioux Health Clinic; Christina Murphy, Family Service WIC; Ashley Arntt, Family Service WIC; Caitlin Nieidow, Family Service WIC; Arli Boustead, CHI Health; Holly Dingman, Children’s Center for the Child and Community; Lisa Boeke, CDHD; Paula Rauert, CDHD; Lyndsay Butterfield, CDHD; Corrine Jarecke, LLCHD; Tina Goodwin, NE-DHHS; Stacey Roach, MilkWorks; Stacey Salpas, CDHD; Alma Fuentes, CDHD, Victoria duPreez, Breastfeeding USA; Deanne Birkestrand, Good Samaritan;
  2. Return to Work Survey: Kailey Snyder  
    1. Webinar next Tuesday, May 16th at noon.  We’ll share the findings of mother’s perceptions of BF upon return to work.
    2. 1000 moms completed the survey!
    3. Biggest discrepancies among employment type (healthcare, education, management, production, etc.).  What we found and we can do within each type to help.
  3. Leadership Team Update
    1. Financial – Stacey Roach
      1. Finishing up year 4 of the DHHS grant.  $30,000 to work on a variety of projects.  Wrapping up the CBI community work, webinars, and are excited that we will be receiving the same funding for Year 5.
    2. Project and Communication Updates - Kelli Hansen
      1. Communication Efforts:
        1. Stats: We’ve had 1,346 visits to our site since our last meeting (Feb-Apr).  We’re excited with the new website.  Be sure to check it out! 
        2. 2,203 “Likes” on Facebook, up 56 since our last meeting!
        3. 388 Twitter followers, a 6% increase from last quarter.
      2. Membership – 106 Members, up 9 since our last meeting.
        1. New members since our last meeting:
          • Madeline Renschler
          • Emily Tvrdy
          • Amber Kelly
          • Jill Johnson
          • Andrea Skiles
          • Lucia Turco
          • Kalika Jantzen
          • Jordan Stilmock
          • Anna Warnes
        2. We are updating our Organizational Partners.  But thank you to Nebraska Methodist Women’s Center for completing our organizational partnership form in our transition.
        3. BFF Awards since our last meeting:
          • Northeast Nebraska Community Action Partnership (NENCAP) - Fremont
          • Nominate a BFF employer at
    3. Projects: Most of our project efforts have been tied to Goal 1, so we’ll share that momentarily!
  4. Strategic Plan Updates:
    1. Goal #1 – Kelli Hansen
      1. We’re very happy with the progress made by Goal 1.  Our focus has been on diversifying our funding. 
      2. The team has worked with graphic designer, Carrie Wilsman, to design a white page and funding partner request form.  We’ve brought both for you to see! 
      3. We’ve also drafted a letter that’s going out to over 100 hospitals, WIC clinics, and businesses in the hopes of securing more partners to diversify our funding.
      4. We plan to follow up with these letters and set some face-to-face meetings.
      5. We’re pleased to announce that we’re entering into a contract with CHI Health to work on a number of projects.
        1. Expand Really? Really. and create a train-the-trainer model to take into primary care offices.
        2. Business Case for Breastfeeding train-the-trainer being led by Kansas’ Brenda Bandy, as well as myself.  We’ll keep you posted on these trainings as they become more developed. 
        3. We’re also excited to let you know that through this funding we’ll be administering the CLC Course February 19-23, 2018 in Lincoln (Lincoln Lancaster County Health Department) and bringing back Linda Smith for her Lactation Management Exam prep April 9-13, 2018 in Omaha (Lakeside Hospital).
    2. Goal #2 – Arli Boustead
      1. Excited about this and the group will work on determining what to do with the data.
      2. They are seeing the professionals we’ve developed as a resource, which is exciting.
      3. Providers are operating off their perceptions – which is a problem still.
      4. 126 providers took the survey.
    3. Goal #3 – Shannon Sands Amy Potratz  
      1. Empowering Moms: The survey results are complete and there is a pumping manuscript put together now. Goal 3b team needs to figure out now how we plan to use the info.  Tune into the webinar on May 16th to learn more! 
      2. Employer Education: In late February/Early March, the letter from NE BFC/DHHS went out to all Nebraska employers updating/reminding of the pumping laws. Yay! 
      3. The leadership team is beginning to explore the possibility of having Brenda Bandy do a "train the trainer" for CBIs to begin to reach out to employers regarding laws, best practices, etc.
  5. Group and Community Updates
    1. Four Corners from Chris Blanke –First Coalition is meeting is May 16th!
    2. Santee Sioux from Jodi Henry –Have had 3 coalition meetings.  Coalition consists of a new MCH nurse, Maggie.  Nutritionist from the WIC office, a dental hygienist, and Alyssa with Little Moccasin program, then some breastfeeding moms.  They’re going to be having a booth at the annual conference in June to get info out to everyone!  Have shared their info with businesses in town and people at the department.  Support groups are every other Wednesday evening.  The coalition will take turns hosting the support groups.  Share the link for brochure.  They have a Facebook page.
    3. Kearney update from Deanne Birkestrand – Been busy!  They have a Facebook page and t-shirts as well.  The doctors are great about getting the support group info out.  Hold quarterly meeting with community members, as well as a core leadership team.  There are some new CLCs in town and they’re getting them involved!  Did an online community needs for them is increase public designated breastfeeding areas.  They’ve created a proposal for three area businesses to create breastfeeding spaces (based on survey data) – Hilltop Mall, Suite Child (baby boutique) and possibly Target have all agreed.  Hope to be up and running by the end of the month.  Willing to share the suvey with the other CBIs.
    4. North Omaha from Sara Brown – Continue to have monthly advisory team meetings.  Had a forum meeting in March for women returning to the workplace.  Had CBE’s connect with businesses in the community – connected with 14 businesses and they took info about the legislation, toolkit, NE BFC webinars, and a personal invitation to attend the event.  Held at Skinner Early Learning Center.  Have new partnerships now with Olson Center and TNMC.  Contacted by Babywearing non-profit for collaboration as well.  Received funding from CHI – met yesterday to talk about using funding and prioritization.  They may start with focus groups and then a marketing campaign.  Also adding to the CBE curriculum to add business skills and business plan, community engagement skills, action planning, etc.
    5. Sarpy Cass County from Katie Graves -All the letters have been mailed out (545 businesses in Sarpy and Cass Counties).   I have a worksite lactation training scheduled for May 25th at Plattsmouth Head Start (Cass County) for their teachers and administrative staff.  We have put the worksite lactation webinars on our health department’s website.  I haven’t been contacted by any Sarpy County businesses yet, so I may reach out to them in the near future for a worksite lactation training (considering PayPal since I believe they’re our biggest employer in Sarpy county).
    6. Lincoln Update from Tami Frank –CDC grant funding is winding down so they’re finishing up those projects for lactation support in the worksite.  Working with Angelina from the health department to find a way to get lactation place at the Haymarket Farmer’s Market in Lincoln.  Working with Nicole at WorkWell to find businesses to follow up with, based on toolkit and the CDC funding of medically underserved area in Lincoln.  They provide CEU’s for Lincoln Journal Club.  Contact Tami for more info!  Last one was on sexual abuse and mom’s breastfeeding.  Getting ready to do a follow up on a survey they’d done.
    7. Diversity Inclusion from Tina Goodwin – This group met on 4/24.  Want more diverse moms on the website so we’re still working on making that happen.  Make a draft for the leadership team to review.  Sara reported about the CBE work in Omaha and CHI grant money. Went to a CBE meeting – got to talk to the CBE’s about the importance of home visitation.  Ann continues to look for funding for that group.  Holly says it’s very similar to a community health worker model as a community liaison.  Four of the CBE’s in Lincoln are CHW, so a lot of their work is encompassed in what they do every day.  Attended the Minority Health Conference – it was very good.  Would love to see more coalition members attend in the name of health equity.  Ten Tips for Better Health was a pamphlet about what we say and how we advertise it, but on the other side we aren’t supporting how you get there.  She shared this with the diversity group.  Advice is to look and see where the woman is at and make recommendations from there.  Don’t do all or none, but see where they’re at so they realize it’s the system’s failure, not theirs.  All the CBI communities with feet on the ground who are doing such great work to support your communities from moms, hospitals, and businesses, etc.  MilkWorks shared a site regarding medications and when and when not to breastfeed.  They also have a handout regarding alcohol and breastfeeding, co-sleeping, marijuana, etc.  Alcohol is actually on Tox net – national library on medicine.
    8. Really? Really. and CHI update from Arli Boustead – The surveys and input on the strategic plan will inform what that looks like going forward.  Emspace had originally talked about a 30-90 second video as part of the toolkit and to send out. She suspects we need to look at redesigning material to print at home vs. professionally, and also that there’s too much content but they can’t access it the way they want it.  How can we make sure the campaign stays out there and gets up on walls.  Dr. Lea Pounds is looking at a grant and is still looking.  Deadline is in October – she and Arli have flushed out initial ideas.  She’ll want to pull in a small group to help decide.
    9. Douglas County Health Department, through City Match, is is doing a policies and practices and place survey to providers in the area. Collective impact model.  Maybe NE BFC keep track of the survey and how we’ve done them, how they’ve been used, etc.  (Great for TA for CBI’s.  Also has Tambu’s research. Kearney, Provider, Douglas County, Working Moms, AAP, etc.) It’s really important to get dad in the picture – especially in these at risk communities.  We can’t forget them, as they are very much a part of the success of the mom.
  6. Member Sharing
    1. LLCHD is working on a breastfeeding QI project.  They have great initiation, but poor 6 month rates.  They’re trying to do staff education (in person training and online), curriculum for the clients to ensure consistency, and LLL is going to do a support group just for their families.  Someone had asked Corrine about hiring a CLC at their business and what it would cost.  If anyone has info for Corrine, please share.
    2. Maybe we need to come up with a Quick Reference for the Community BE, Certified BE, CLC,
    3. IBCLC, Peer Counselor, etc. and what is the recommended scope of practice.  Possible reimbursement models?  Different LCs in different settings.  Comment on the summary sheet – what’s standardized and who’s responsible for those.
    4.  Dr. Leeper has become involved with the MilkMob.  The goal is to provide bf education to healthcare providers.  Going to have the first ever workshop for breastfeeding medicine.  51 physicians are coming!  There’s also an 8 hour, 1 day program for residents (or physicians who need more information).  It’s recorded on Gold Lactation right now.  There are 3 videos on YouTube (The Milk Mob) with great tutorials!
    5. MilkWorks O is working with the collective impact project through City Match.  Lincoln has also talked a lot about addressing mental health issues with moms.  LLCHD has created a whole mental health resources.  They’re also starting an outreach project in York with Megan Gerken, IBCLC.  She’s seeing moms in York and a 30-mile radius.  MilkWorks files through private insurance for her visits.
    6. Holly Dingman, still a statewide Go Knapsack effort.  This is statewide collaboration and it’s reaching a significant number of providers across the state.  There’s a conference in June.  State rules and regulations might open up this summer for revisions.  In the Lincoln Community there’s a community agenda called Propser Lincoln.  Look at an Early Childhood Health Working Group on children 0-8.  Embarking on a year-long MAP process with providers, stakeholders, and parents.  If you’re interested in that work, let Holly know!

Next meeting is August 2nd at WellCare in Omaha.








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