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Quarterly Meeting Minutes

February 2019

Quarterly Coalition Meeting
Lincoln Medical Education Partnership

  1. Member Introductions: Holly Dingman, Children’s Medical Center; Trisha Feeney, USAF and Mom2Mom Global; Anna Brumfield, Mom2Mom Global; Katelyn Hobbs, Methodist Hospital and MSM Global; Peggy Brown, NPQIC; Arli Boustead, CHI Health; Cara Gerhardt, Craig Homecare; Jackie Moline, NE DHHS; Tiffany Keller, CHI Health CUMC Bergan Mercy; Anna Warnes, Crete Area Medical Center; Nicole Engelbart, LLCHD-WIC; Dr. Kathy Leeper, Milkworks; Ashley Hall, Family Services WIC; Leah James, CHI St.Elizabeth; Rachel Sazama, CDHD; Tami Frank, Partnership for Healthy Lincoln; Christina Murphy, WIC Family Services; Nicole Osborne, Nebraska Safety Council. On the Phone: Kelli Hansen; Tracy Moore, Methodist Fremont; Kailey Snyder, UNO; Kamilla Gazieva, NPQIC; Nikki Mullinax; Christian Minter; Holly Wagner; Rita Bixby; Laura Miller; Amy Potratz; Katie Grave, Sarpy/Cass HD; Michelle Lehee; Ki Eisenman
  2. Reflection: Thank you Kelli for your 9 years of service to the Coalition!! Lovely memories were shared and Kelli is receiving a lifetime membership to the NE Breastfeeding Coalition.
  3. New Leadership Team Members: Corrine Jarecke and Tina Goodwin have retired from the leadership team (LT). We are so appreciative of their years of service. We welcome Nicole Osborne from the Nebraska Safety Council and Jackie Moline from NE DHHS to the team. Cards are being sent around for Kelli, Corrine, and Tina to be signed by members in attendance.
  4. Welcome to NPQIC: As of Jan 1, NE Breastfeeding Coalition is aligned with the Nebraska Perinatal Quality Improvement Collaborative. We will serve under our own breastfeeding division. NPQIC’s goal is to improve access to evidence based care practices in hospitals and clinics, and was established under the UNMC Department of the Pediatrics. NPQIC has a diverse board of directors and will serve as our fiscal agent. The Coalition will have access to some new resources namely Kamilla Gazieva who will be assisting us with coalition communications, marketing, and social media presence. All of the NE Breastfeeding Coalition’s funds have now been transferred to our new account with NPQIC. Leadership Team Updates: We are reviewing bylaws currently, which overall are very simple but are slated for review annually. We will add the Memorandum of Understanding with the NPQIC alignment and we have created a social media policy to be attached. We also met last week for our first of two yearly strategic planning sessions and have narrowed down the goals for the next 3 years plan.
  5. Financial Update: We start the year with $36K in the account moving forward. We would like to thank our organization partners CHI Health Nebraska and Children’s Hospital and Medical Center for their contributions to our work in the organization capacity. As always, we would love to expand our network of organizational partners so if you know of any opportunities, reach out to a LT member. The team has also accepted the proposal from Kailey Snyder for evaluation and development work to help strengthen our processes, partnerships and future grant and funding opportunities. This is expected to be 10-20 hours/week. 

    2019 budget will include some funding for mini grants for CBI communities, about $5K. Look fo applications and further information in the spring.

    This year will be our 6th membership drive which coincides with the Olsen Center Conference slated fo late August. We currently have 317 members and 37 Breastfeeding Friendly Businesses in our network. And this year we will celebrate our 10 year Coalition Anniversary.
  6. Communications Update: Kamilla Gazieva is our new communications specialists. We’ve had 426 visits to our website since November, 2018. We have 2,504 “likes” on Facebook, up 14 since Nov. 47 Twitter followers, up 39 since Nov.
  7. Community Breastfeeding Initiative (CBI) Updates: Currently 17 CBI groups in Nebraska. The CBI summit which was originally planned for October, then moved to April 2019 is again being moved. We discovered the April 9 th date is also the same day as the Maternal Child Behavioral Health Conference among other conflicts. Our new plan is to host a dinner and education opportunity aligning with the Olsen Center Conference in August. Stay tuned for more details.

    Lincoln CBI: Recently secured a CDC grant, 5 year opportunity, also called a REACH grant to continue work for infant nutrition and reducing health disparities. Blue Stem has also received and small federal grant aimed at improving BF practices with work flow within their organization.

    Santee Sioux: Has been hosting BF café’s for moms. Has provided clinical staff and providers trainings to 40 attendees. Also have provided community training to an additional 33 attendees.

    Elkhorn Logan Valley: Has two trainings schedule for providers and nursing students. Jackie Moline with be presenting at both. They have completed surveys to businesses in their area and had about 15% response. The have given out 5 Breastfeeding Friendly Business awards and are working with an additional 3 business to provided technical assistance.

    Mom 2 Mom Global: not a CBI technically but a new community of women working through

    Offutt Air Force Base. Their mission is to provide accurate and up to date support for military mothers and families around breastfeeding. Military mothers have special challenges. They have monthly meetings, moms’ night out events, Breastfeeding Café’s and are planning to attend and CLC training.
  8. Strategic Plan Update: Four areas of focus stemming from the November quarterly meetings and LT
    planning sessions. Small group breakout sessions occurred to get input from our members. Many,
    many great ideas and opportunities were identified.
    #1: CBI Support, Development and Dissemination
    #2: Professional/Workforce Development
    #3: Coalition Infrastructure: Partnership and Membership Development
    #4: Advocacy (social media and legislative)

  9. Member Sharing: Currently 2 Bills for support of breastfeeding in the legislature: LB 13, proposed by Senator Blood, calls to eliminate sales tax on breastpumps, accessories, and BF supplies. Also calls to exempt breastfeeding from public indecency offense.

    LB 709, proposed by Senator Cavanaugh, proposing a private space to BF or pump at the state capital. Also to note, paid maternity leave bill, LB 305, calling to adopt the Healthy and Safe Families and Workplaces Act. Asks for a proportion of mom’s leave to be paid for via unemployment insurance funds from the employer. Senator Crawford is behind this piece.

Next Meeting: May 7, Location TBD

Nebraska Breastfeeding at a Glance

© 2025 Nebraska Breastfeeding Coalition