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Quarterly Meeting Minutes

February 2017 Meeting Minutes

Quarterly Coalition Meeting
Lincoln Lancaster County Health Department

  1. Member Introductions: Kay Anderson, Lincoln Pediatric Group; Jane Bitney, LLCHD; Chris Blanke, Four Corners; Arli Boustead, CHI Health; Kayla Brandt, DHHS; Rita Brhel; Madelyn Brunow; Sara Brown, UNMC; Staci Burnett; Nicole Caswell, CHI Health; AJ Cecil-Starlin, LLL; Brooke Chaney, SEDHD; Holly Dingman, Children’s Hospital; Jill Dolberg, Lincoln OBGYN; Nicole Duhan; Victoria Du Preez; Gina Egenberger, LLCHD; Nicole Engelbart, LLCHD WIC; Tami Frank, PHL; Tina Goodwin, DHHS; Katie Graves, SCHD; Kelli Hansen, NE BFC; Tanya Hardiman, SOS Mommy Express; Leah James, WIC; Corrine Jarecke, LLCHD; Jackie Johnson; JoAnn Kucera; Michelle Leahy, SCHD; Jennifer Lee, Fremont Health; Lora Mashbanks, WIC; Katelyn Mazuch, Lincoln OBGYN; Kaiya Mears, VNA; Christian Minter, UNMC; Jackie Moline, DHHS; Terese Moore, Fremont Health; Brandi Morrow; Nikki Mullanix, ELVHD; Jennifer Mullen; Tambu Ndashe, UNMC; Caitlin Neidow, WIC; Kelly O’Flaherty, Honeez Diaper; Lea Pounds, UNMC; Amy Potratz; Stacey Roach, MilkWorks; Brooke Runyan, LLL; Shannon Sands, OCF; Rachel Sazama, CDHD; Ann Seacrest, MilkWorks; Dionna Schmidt; BVCA; Judy Schultz, WIC; Marni Schoemaker, UNL; Katie Stern, Gretchen Swanson; Deanna Stoffel, Charles Drew WIC; Emily Tvrdy; Andrea Wenke, DHHS; Jennifer Weesner, WellCare; Jazmin Yacaman Struble
  2. PRAMs Data Research: Tambu Ndashe
    1. Want to use the data to overcome barriers and access resources. Resource will contain NE PRAMs data. Contain strategies to 3 major barriers and tips and guidelines to best practices.

    2. Including 3 graphs of major findings.

    3. Major disparities in AA and NA women.

    4. Major barriers: Milk supply, technique (latching, sore nipples, pain), return to work or school

    5. Agencies on board: One World Omaha, Charles Drew, Live Well Omaha, PHAN, MilkWorks; Baby Blossoms, Olson Center for Women’s Health, Refugee Action Network.

    6. They’ve established connections but having a hard time with time commitments. Has already trained 6 participants. Pre and post-survey and she does training based on resource guide. Training is 45 min to an hour, depending on discussion.

    7. Biggest problems or challenges: Balancing work or school with BF; Lack of support; Technique problems, lack of knowledge on BF

  3. Leadership Team Update

    1. Financial – Stacey Roach
      Halfway through the $30,000 grant. Half for Kelli’s salary and half for project.
      Leadership team has a plan to expend that over the next few months.
      We’re also working on a strategy on our 5th year of funding. Also looking on ways to diversify the funding.

    2. Communication Updates – Kelli Hansen

      1. Communication efforts:
        Stats: We’ve had 1,332 visits to our website since the last meeting (Nov-Jan). This is up 36% from the previous year.
        2,147 “Likes” on Facebook, up 76 since October 31!
        365 Twitter followers on 1/31/17, a 3% increase from last quarter.

      2. Membership – 197 Members, up 25 since our last meeting.
        New Members since our last meeting:

        • Justina Adair, D.C.

        • Bobbi Beat

        • Christy Burrows

        • Nicole Caswell

        • Chandre Chaney

        • Nicole Cusick

        • Emily Hauptman

        • Melissa Heavican

        • Teri Holt Edeal

        • Amy Hull

        • Michaela Jennings

        • Maggie Kaup

        • Gloria Kennedy

        • Brynn Lastovica

        • Nikki LeDroit

        • Carolyn Migliore

        • Terese Moore

        • Caitlin Neidow

        • Melissa Redding

        • Tiffany Standlea

        • Heather Tjaden

        • Julie Vance

        • Jennifer Weesner

        • Jazmin Yacaman Struble

      3. No organizational Partners since our last meeting. Can you help us increase this? Be on the lookout for changes to our Organizational Partnerships soon!

      4. BFF Awards since our last meeting:

        • Franciscan Care Services-Dinklage Medical Clinic

        • Sarpy/Cass Dept of Health & Wellness

        • CHI Health: St Elizabeth
          Nominate a BFF employer here!

  4. Strategic Plan Update

    1. Goal #1 – Kelli Hansen

      1. Working on sustaining funding and will share more when we have it!

      2. Working on sustaining funding and will share more when we have it!

        • Fremont

        • Thayer

        • Four Corners

        • Santee Sioux

        • Kearney

        • North Omaha

        • West Point

        • SE Nebraska

        • Sarpy Cass County

    2. Goal #2 – Arli Boustead

      1. Working on someone new, Ashlee Miller will help lead the charge on Exploring Designation toward Baby Friendly.

      2. HC provider & Professional Education: Christian has been leading this. Want to work on reaching providers. Created a survey for providers with an intro from Dr. Anderson. Want to get a sampling from providers across the state.

      3. Addressing gaps in evidence based practice is going to be led by Lea Pounds. She’s exploring an opportunity around the gap and the best practices. Ran across NIH Grant and different funding methods. If we do apply for the grant and get it – the coalition would get 10% of indirect funds. We can also write in for a graduate assistance.

    3. Goal #3 – Shannon Sands Amy Potratz

      1. Really excited about the letter with DOL and DHHS. Also worked on reviewing the toolkit

      2. Empowering moms – part of 3 is looking on educating NE worksites on current laws and practices. The data has been cleaned and getting ready to analyze.

  5. Group and Community Updates

    1. ​​​​​​​Lincoln from Tami Frank

      1. Working with employers on their info. Working closely with WorkWell on the toolkit and will update it as

      2. Not much change with CBEs. They’re getting up and going and engaging in the communities.

    2. Elkhorn Logan Valley from Nikki Mullanix

      1. Not a lot to update. Community bf support group meets weekly. Not a lot of grant funding now.

    3. Kearney from Leah James

      1. Have done quite a few projects. This year they’re focusing on doing a needs assessment survey. Goal was to get 50 responses, and got 52. Going to analyze that data and see what opportunities for growth come from that. Also, where to go in the community for training.

      2. Kearney Regional Medical Center just started doing deliveries in January and are a partner with Kearney CBI.

      3. Having quarterly meetings and slowly building that group. They participate in any community event to promote breastfeeding and the group.

    4. Southeast Community Health Department from Brooke Chaney

      1. SE Nebraska BF Coalition – several Southeast communities/counties involved. This is their second grant. Had a planning meeting last month and determined what they’re going to do.

      2. Have great community partners and they do a great job of being point people in their places of business.

      3. Training from Dr. Anderson lead all participants to become CLCs.

      4. Attitudes are shifting in the communities and want training now, when previously said they didn’t. Want to offer some training to them – similar to what Dr. Anderson did last time. Wanting to address main problems from PRAMs data.

    5. Lexington from Emily Tvrdy

      1. Lexington met for the first time yesterday. Working streamlining training for the staff at the community hospitals. Seeking out new CLCs, specifically in the Somali population. Have Spanish and English speaking but really want to focus on the Somali CLC and class for them.

      2. Working on community involvement – new postpartum support group. Want more community involvement from that. Hoping to branch it to Cozad and Gothenburg as well, but meeting twice a month in Lexington.

      3. Wanting to reach out to their businesses. They have a large plant there and those moms don’t feel supported. Want to reach out to the plant and other large employers in the area.

      4. Want to get materials made to send home with moms from hospital or have at events. Info on where the support groups are and what the resources are. Want one postcard with all the info on it.

    6. Four Corners from Chris Blanke

      1. First grant through NE BFC. Great for these additional funds to keep working. One focus is on starting their own local coalition. They have a meeting set with director of nurses at the hospital. Want to formalize it and become a partner with Seward county.

      2. Want to continue to work with childcare sites on promoting and supporting BF.

      3. Working through KNAPSAC. Several have created policies around breastfeeding.

      4. Working with worksites – enlisted the help of Lara Anderson through ELITE to work with worksites. They are working with those sites to get the policies in place.

      5. Also want to host another training for hospital and clinic. Is there a training that already excists for CEUs?

      6. Finalizing BF brochure with local resources.

      7. Revised their website and it would be great to add more BF resources.

    7. North Omaha from Sara Brown

      1. Continue to have monthly advisory team meetings.

      2. AJ and Sara met with their CBEs this week and are interested in doing several things. Launching a FB page to target the North Omaha community. Hoping to do virtual support meetings.

      3. Having an open community forum on Breastfeeding in the Workplace – collaborating with WELCOM. Working on a date but thinking late March.

    8. Fremont from Therese Moore

      1. New CBI this year. Lacking support group and working to get that going. Want a weekly support group and during the day.

      2. Developed a community resource list to get out. Also want a site where moms can weigh their babies.

      3. Want to do a nursing sit-in to the hospital and want to do a small award for those who are nursing to celebrate them. Want to do it a few times a year. Love to see it in different businesses that support breastfeeding.

      4. Working with a pharmacy in town to get moms pumps prenatally.

      5. Website has BF info now and want to expand pre-natal classes and preparedness for BFing.

      6. Want to keep babies skin-to-skin.

      7. Coalition meets monthly to work on the projects. Created a FB page to support the community as well.

      8. Just recently in the paper and on the radio.

    9. Sarpy Cass from Katie Graves

      1. Working on lactation in the workplace. Mailed out 545 letters for Sarpy and Cass County businesses. Some have been returned, but not many.
        In the letter if they already had a policy they wanted to hear about it, mentioned the coalition’s BFF Award, and offered their service to help with worksite lactation training. Waiting to see what she hears or will go knock on doors.

      2. They have a FB page for their health department. They’ve added info about lactation in the workplace and have links to state and federal laws on their website, as well as a sample policy.

      3. Tonight on Fox42, Katie will be on. Passed on their BFF Award as a press release and a reporter is going to do a story on it.

      4. Did a Climb Out of the Darkness walk last year on postpartum depression. Contacted by Baby Junk to do a fundraiser for nonprofits in the area. A certain amount that they make will go towards their non-profit. She will have a table to hand out Really? Really. and worksite material.

    10. Thayer from Abby Gausman

      1. Working with employers on their info. Working closely with WorkWell on the toolkit and will update it as

    11. LLL Update from Brooke Runyan

      1. Recently gathered statistics. From July-December, 2016, throughout all of NE. Held 129 meetings and served 328 mothers. 306 helping contacts.

      2. Like to highlight Gloria Turnbull – leader in York. She’s been a leader for a long time and is continuing to do great work. Congrats to her and thanks to her for all her hard work!

      3. Go to for any info you want on LLL. Averaging 225 unique visitors a week. Very happy about that!

      4. LLL is focusing on equity, diversity and inclusion. So they’ll be working on that nationwide.

      5. has a bar with many different languages. The womanly art of breastfeeding is available in many languages.

    12. Diversity Inclusion by Tina Goodwin

      1. Met on the 9th. Thanks to Sara Brown and Ann Seacrest on your work in promoting health equity.

      2. Peggy will share a short report with us next time. They’re trying to work on low initiation with AA moms and are working on that.

      3. Joyce Townser from KS DHHS shares lots of great info from their cities. They have action steps for health ministers. If you want to create culturally diverse materials.

      4. Tina would love to be the point person on that.

      5. Standing Bear Breakfast in May might be a great way to connect with more Native American women.

    13. Really? Really. and CHI Update from Arli Boustead

      1. Over 5,900 unique visitors. They are only staying on the site for a minute and a half.

      2. They want to survey those who have used it and see what’s the best use of their funds for updating. Updated website, new pieces, translation.

      3. Accessed in all 50 states and 86 countries.

      4. Wanting to figure out a good strategy for materials and what’s the best way to do that. February 17th will be a Really? Really. print order. Get your orders to Arli so she can try and get materials in and printed.

      5. Working with Emspace as a strategy to promote that.

      6. Guide to Breastfeeding – Diane Erdmann had brought the guide and asked if anyone was printing it. She wanted to see who’s using it and who finds it valuable. They will do a print of it this year, so if you’re interested in it, please be sure to let her know.

  6. Member Sharing

    1. ​​​​​​​LB427 and LB428
      Support for student parents in high school and 427 requires breastfeeding accommodations on that bill. Holland Children’s Association, ACLU, Teacher’s Union, and CBEs have all testified on behalf of the bill.


      Still in committee.

      Danielle Conrad, ACLU, wants to keep it moving.

      LB305 – Senator Crawford’s bill
      12 weeks of paid leave for mothers. The hearing was this Monday. (6 weeks paid for caring for a sick family member). Not complete pay, caps the pay. But it’s a start.

Next meeting is May 9th at the Central District Health Department in Grand Island.

Nebraska Breastfeeding at a Glance

© 2025 Nebraska Breastfeeding Coalition