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Quarterly Meeting Minutes

May 2017 Meeting Minutes

Quarterly Coalition Meeting

View the recording here.

  1. Member Introductions: Maddie Biester, LLCHD-WIC; Nicole Englebart, LLCHD-WIC; Eun Hee Kwon, LLCHD-WIC; Chandre Chaney, WellCare; Amy Potratz; Shannon Sands, OCF; Tami Frank, PHL; Sara Brown, UNMC; Arli Boustead, CHI Health; Peggy Brown, NQPIC; Lora Marshbanks, WIC; AJ Cecil-Starlin, LLL; Rachel Sazama, CDHD; Corrine Jarecke, LLHD; Ilissa Fern, NCHS; Gabriella Karl, Methodist Women’s; Melanie Bussey, Methodist Physician’s Clinic OB/GYN; Karen Bagniewski, Methodist Physician’s Clinic; Angie Cantrell, MilkWorksO; Meredith Willits, MilkWorks O; Holly Dingman, Children’s Center for the Child and Community; Diane Erdmann, BSSO; Tiffany Keller, CHI Health; Brandi Morrow, Megan Owens, Joann Kucera; Leah James; Madelyn Brunow, Harrison County; Narissa Scales, Breastfeeding Coordinator; Victoria DuPerez; Katie Graves, SCHD; Shannon Wright, Winnebago Public Health; Tina Goodwin, NE DHHS; Dorothea Clute; Jeannette Blackstone, WellCare
  2. Financial Update – Kelli Hansen
    1. We are so sad that Stacey Roach has left MilkWorks, and subsequently, our leadership team!
    2. Our finances in July had income from our grant of $3,039 and expenses of $1,293 to pay for Kelli’s salary and some communication tools. 
    3. We’re currently waiting on a signed agreement between DHHS and MilkWorks for year 5 of our 1305 grant.
  3. Project and Communication Updates - Kelli Hansen
    1. Stats: We’ve had 815 visits to our site since our last meeting (May-July).  We’re excited with the new website.  Be sure to check it out! 
    2. 2,250 “Likes” on Facebook, up 47 since our last meeting!
    3. 412 Twitter followers, a 6% increase from last quarter.
    4. Membership – We our kicking off our biennial membership drive this month!  This means it’s time for EVERYONE to renew!  Click the link and complete your application today.  You can pay online as well. New members since our last meeting:
      1. Jennifer Hansen
      2. Stacey Harlow
      3. Jill Kigerl-Owens
      4. Jazmin Yacaman Strubel
      5. Stacia Kennedy
      6. LaKaija Johnson
      7. Sadie Brandt
    5. We have updated our Partnership program – it now is an annual membership that can provide your organization up to 25 individual memberships.  Contact Kelli for more info.
    6. BFF Awards since our last meeting:
      1. Turbine Flats
      2. Lincoln Lancaster County Health Department
      3. Nominate a BFF employer here.
    7. Projects: Most of our efforts this summer have been wrapping up Year 4 of the grant and working with the Leadership Team and DHHS on Year 5!
  4. Strategic Plan Updates:
    Strategic Plan Year Two Table
    1. Goal #1 – Kelli Hansen
      1. We’ve had our first funding outreach meeting and it went well.  We’re having a follow up call with them later this month. 
      2. We plan to follow up with a few specifics organizations this fall, as a result of our membership survey.
      3. Don’t forget to save the dates for the CLC Course February 19-23, 2018 in Lincoln (Lincoln Lancaster County Health Department) and Linda Smith’s Lactation Management Exam prep April 9-13, 2018 in Omaha (Lakeside Hospital).
    2. Goal #2 – Arli Boustead
      1. Address gaps, raise provider education, and explore and a baby friendly designation.
      2. Decided first to find out what providers knew and surveyed them.
      3. Got a great spread of respondents and narrowed it down to just the providers to find the results.  *See PowerPoint here.
      4. We found it’s hard for us in the community space to address gaps in the hospital space.  Our network and Really? Really. allows us to reach out to clinics.
      5. Focus on a toolkit for CBI communities to use to reach out to their providers and clinics.
      6. We also want to focus on CLC and IBCLC trainings we’re doing.  What do we see in those we’ve trained and how can we provide resources and technical assistance to them.
      7. With recent legislation and efforts around technology, we could look at telehealth for IBCLCs to serve outer Nebraska.
    3. Goal #3 – Shannon Sands
      1. Employer Support and Education – worked with DHHS and DOL to send a letter to all employees with 15 or more employers of the law.
      2. Worked with WorkWell on the breastfeeding toolkit.
      3. Ensure the process for BFF Award was efficient and effective.
      4. This year we want to engage employers in a deep and meaningful way.
      5. Piloting a program in Nebraska to go into businesses and share
    4. Goal #4 – Amy Potratz
      1. Empowering moms returning to the workforce. 
      2. Last year administered a survey to any mom who’d returned to work pumping in the past 5 years.
      3. There is a webinar on our website that talks about the results.
      4. This year hoping to spring into action and develop education based on the survey results.
      5. Use the BFF award as super moms.
    5. Goal #5 – Tami Frank  
      1. Community Breastfeeding Initiative.
      2. Hoping to survey existing CBI communities to see their goals across the state.  Share resources and connect them.
  5. Group and Community Updates
    1. Kearney -KCBI was awarded a grant during the last cycle and accomplished our goal of setting up 2 breastfeeding areas in the Community.  Grand Openings for both were held on June 30th at the Hilltop Mall and Suite Child, both in Kearney.  Please check out the pictures on Instagram and Facebook if you haven’t already!  We have had a very positive response, both areas are being used frequently.  We did an online survey 2 weeks ago to inquire about positives and negatives and the only suggestion for improvement so far was to add clips to the curtains in the mall area in case more privacy was desired. Our quarterly community meeting was held July 19th and was well attended.  The team tried Facebook live and it worked well to have people be able to check into the meeting virtually. Things to work on are:
      1. UNK needs a space in student union designated for breastfeeding. Many Students/conferences/staff use this space. There may be other breastfeeding spaces on campus-Library used to have one.
      2. Team plans to Reach out to hotels to think about/give education on spaces for nursing/pumping for conferences.
      3. Get window clings to promote businesses with bf friendly spaces
      4. 5k run idea for future. LLL in Lincoln may be able to reach out to for planning information. (Other ideas associated with the run: Involve kids in run with a crawling race for little kids and/or a stroller race for kids.
      5. Upcoming KCBI events:
      6. Hosted the Buffalo County Fair Breastfeeding Booth July 26-31
      7. Big Latch On event will be on August 5th at the First Baptist Church in Kearney at 39th street & 17th avenue.  Registration 10am, Latch On Starts at 10:30 am, hoping to raise awareness for breastfeeding and provide bf/pumping support UNK Blue Gold Day on August 18th from 5-8pm. KCBI will have a booth to promote KCBI and Breastfeeding. UNK Homecoming Parade September 16th from 10a-12p KCBI will walk in parade with our banner to promote KCBI and breastfeeding.
      8. World Breastfeeding Week Will be celebrated with the Big Latch On Event, we will be posting daily to social media-watch Facebook and Instagram KCBI pages.
      9. Baby's Natural Choice Breastfeeding Conference on August 23rd from 7:15-4:30 at the La Vista Embassy Suites.
    2. Sarpy/Cass County Health Department – helped fund worksite lactation.  Mailed letters and Katie was able to provide a worksite lactation training to Plattsmouth Headstart and is doing one for Cass County Agency Meeting.  Katie is looking to get her IBCLC to help their program.
    3. North Omaha Breastfeeding Advisory Meetings – have monthly meetings.  Jones Bro Cupcakes is giving partial proceeds for World Breastfeeding Week on a certain cupcake.  They’re doing a baby shower at Charles Drew with WellCare.  In October they’re doing a Men’s Breastfeeding Breakfast.  Three CBE’s are applying to be a community health worker.  They’ll also have a booth at the Olson Center conference.  Douglas County WIC, MilkWorks, and North Omaha Breastfeeding Educators are working on a pump clinic taught by an IBCLC and will be able to get them their pumps from MilkWorks.
    4. Santee Sioux - In June we had a Breastfeeding Coalition Booth (as noted in the June ending Grant submitted).  We had over 400 participants at the Health Fair so we are really excited to reach a lot of community members about Santee's First Breastfeeding Coalition and get our name out there.  We have been giving out extra educational books to New Prenatal Clients on Breastfeeding during office and home visits.  We had a BF Coalition Meeting on July 26th 2017.  Items discussed were working with the MCH nurse and giving out BF education at each visit.  A room has been given to us at the Santee Health Center. The Tribal Health Director has designated that room as the Baby friendly space! we need to clean it out and hold some fundraisers to purchase a chair etc.  Little Moccasins and the Santee BF Coalition is hosting a Baby Shower on August 15th and we will be handing out award certificates to those moms who have Breastfed their babies for 3 months and 6 months.  Next BF Coalition meeting is set for August 23rd 2017 at noon in the Clinic Basement.
    5. Lexington - Our group just hosted a mother’s lounge at the Dawson County fair. We had a booth with information on our local resources, Really? Really. materials, and Nebraska Breastfeeding Law cards. We had 3 private nursing booths available with changing tables and rocking chairs.  We didn't have a ton of people use the facilities for nursing, but many used the changing tables.  We were limited in our venue on the hours we were able to keep it open, but hope to have one next year that's open longer.  We have printed and distributed flyers that list all the CLCs and IBCLCs available in Dawson county. WE have made postcards that have pumping tips, and small business cards with Nebraska Breastfeeding laws and our contact information. We are still hosting biweekly mother's support group and have a fair amount of new mother's attending. 
    6. Lincoln – doing a survey to employers about lactation policies.  If they don’t have a policy, do they have a best practice?  What is their knowledge on the laws?  Providers don’t feel there is continuing breastfeeding education available, so they’re looking into seeing what is out there.  They’re hoping to shift the focus on the 4-12 week timeframe.  For National Breastfeeding Month are taking resources out to clinics and talking to them about breastfeeding.
    7. La Leche League - 84% of the Groups in NE are active.  Live. Love. Latch. Is this Saturday.  There’s also a La Leche League.  There were 103 regular series meetings held during this time.  About 53% of the Groups hold what we call "cafe style" meetings with no agenda, where moms can come and get their questions answered and build a sense of community.  During this six-month period there were 376 separate one on one contacts with leaders and caregivers requesting support.  Many of our groups use social media and some have started pop up meetings to better serve their communities. La Leche League has created a new position called the Equities Advocate (EA). The EA is to work within the Area to further the goal of the LLL Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) committee to provide support, education, and information related to diversity and Inclusion for the LLL USA Leaders. Nebraska has appointed our EA and she will be providing these things for our area. 
    8. Diversity Inclusion from Tina Goodwin – met yesterday.  PRAMS data and grant writing capstone project is ready to get input from leadership team and diversity group.  Leah Bell Grade is a new hire at DHHS and is a Native American.  They’d love to reach out to her and get her involved.  If you have ideas of how to get her involved, please contact Tina.
    9. Really? Really. and CHI update from Arli Boustead.  The website has had 2300 session and many of those are new.  We don’t know how well the items are being downloaded and printed.  Still want to figure out how to reach out to those who have accessed the site and find out how they’re using it.
  6. Member Sharing
    1. Madelyn Brunow – Iowa, tomorrow Kim Reynolds, governor, sign a proclamation that designates August as Iowa Breastfeeding Month.  Look for social media updates.
    2. Nicole Engelbart – LLCHD-WIC, Lesley Hammerschmidt just passed her IBCLC exam.  They’re partnering with MilkWorks to also do a pumping clinic in Lincoln.
    3. Peggy Brown – NPQIC is a group of all birthing hospitals in Nebraska and breastfeeding is their biggest focus right now.  They want to help improve practices so we rank higher on the MPINc.  Last time we were 50/53, so we have lots of room of room to go.
    4. AJ Cecil-Starlin – if anyone is holding WBW Events and go on their website, you can register your event and they keep track of what’s going on.  Fed is Best is new and a lot of anti-breastfeeding. They’re recruiting moms across the country and target healthcare professionals about their groups.  LLL USA is signing on to a letter that’s being facilitated by 1000 days in response to their campaign.
    5. Rachel Sazama – CDHD has 4 peer counselors now, 190 moms followed.  2 are bilingual.  Two events at the local mall in Grand Island (Conestoga Mall) from 4-7 on Friday.
    6. Alyssa with Nebraska Children’s Home – focusing on the teen population.  They do home visits.  They used to have 3 CLCs, but down to 1 now.  Working on a pre and post test for clients who received CLC support.
    7. Shannon from Winnebago – New CLC thanks to DHHS.  They have a 25 minute video at Healthy Children’s Project that is great, maybe see if we can share it.
    8. Holly Dingman with Children’s – Amy Potratz and Holly are attending the USBC National Conference.  Looking forward to reporting next quarter on all they learn.  Statewide GO KNAPSACK – childcare provider training.  It helps them increase best practice around nutrition education and physical activity.  There’s a great focus on breastfeeding.  Get Holly’s presentation for breastfeeding support.
  7. Next meeting is November 7th at Lincoln Medical Education Partnership building at 4600 Valley Road, Entrance 1, Classroom 3 (straight down the hall).

Nebraska Breastfeeding at a Glance

© 2025 Nebraska Breastfeeding Coalition